We spent New Year's in Perpignan, where it got up to 18 C (65 F)

Monday, 22 June 2009

Bad news on the job front

I didn't get the job at the language institute, but at least they gave me feedback as to why they turned me down. The director said I needed some sort of training in education, such as the Teaching English as a Foreign Language or some other license for teaching adults. The funny thing was that she also said she might be able to hire me in September, independently of the additional training. So I question slightly how important the training is, as opposed to how much they actually have need of me. Perhaps like the other language institute, which went so far as to train me, they stockpile cv's for a rainy day. In other words if they don't have enough teachers one day, I might hear from them just so they don't have to refuse students.

Oh well.

There is a part of me that feels maybe I should stick to what I know. Maybe I should learn French to the degree I need to so that I can go back to work in an industry that better suits my experience.

There is still the other teaching position I've been recommended for, but now I'm not so sure I should bother. It involves teaching five-year-olds. I don't know a thing about how to teach English to a five year old. If they ask about experience, I can only stutter along in my bad French that I volunteered to tutor eight year olds for a season, nine years ago. Should I call the school anyway, and potentially make my friend look silly for recommending me? I think not. I'll let her know my doubts and see what she says.

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